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How to cool a home with a boiler?

I live in a 3 story home with a boiler built in the 70s. I heard there is something you can hook up the boiler to cool the house without central air. If there is such thing, what is it called and where could I buy one? If not what are the best alternative options?


Whoever told you that is misinformed. I have a boiler/radiant heating system. The only thing I have to keep my place cool is fans, window a/c units my big old shade tree. You cannot use your boiler system to cool anything. It's made to get hot heat your home...and sometimes provide your hot water as well.
Unfortunately, that mystical device does not exist. Boilers are made to heat water that is then circulated through the conditioned space, thus providing heat. Since you have a 3 story home, it may be worth it in the long run to just invest in central air, since window units probably just wouldn't be able to cut it.

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