i have super long thick blonde naturally straight hair, now some people might consider this as being blessed but it will not curl. Ive tried everything from hot curlers curling irons overnight curlers and flat irons. My hair just refuses to stay curled, it takes 2 and a half to 3 hours to curl it. Help me please!? heres an example of the curl i want:
There's no way to for anyone here to know. Every city has different laws on smoke detectors. And most people I know, even when smoke detectors exist in a home, they don't EVER bother to check or replace batteries when they die. I know I've rented for the better part of a decade and I NEVER change the batteries in a smoke detector when they die. It's just not important to me. Most of the time I actually REMOVE them, even if they work, because it's a pain in the butt when the dam detectors go off because you burned something on the stove. If someone was renting and there was a fire, it depends on local law. In some places rentals ARE NOT REQUIRED to even have smoke detectors. It varies by state and city. So really, if you're trying to find blame so you can sue, you need to VISIT A LAWYER and see if you even have a case.
Tell him in case of a fire show him examples of fires then set the alarm off in person