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how to detox with water, need to get out THC?

I am five foot eleven, and really skinny 120 lbsI am gonna join the army and they want to drug testme tomorrowI smoked weed Saturday, I have already drunk one and a half gallons of water today and I am peeing every hourI was an occasional weed smoker before thisHow can I pass my test?and if not how long before I can pee clean? I have been told if you drink like two gallons hours before you take re test you will pass is this true?


lsdthat would seem fitting and be trippy as hell during the game!
THC is fat solubleit is stored in your fat cellsthe only way you're going to get rid of it is by burning fat and increasing metabolismevery human metabolizes THC at different rates, but it's generally metabolized in 3 to 30 days after you've smokedif you want to pass, DO: - EXERCISEit burns fat- GO TO A SAUNAit burns fat- EAT A LOT OF HIGH-CALORIE FOODSit increases metabolism- EAT A LOT OF HIGH-FIBER FOODSit makes you excrete THC through stool and not urine- WATER LOAD ONLY ON THE DAY OF THE TEST AND ONLY AN HOUR OR LESS BEFORE THE TESTwater dilutes urine only very temporarily so drinking a lot of water the day before the test is completely useless- PEE SOMETIME BEFORE YOUR TESTthe first piss of the day is very concentrated and will have a lot of THC in it- ONLY USE A MIDSTREAM SAMPLEpiss in the toilet, stop, piss in the cup, stop, finish in the toiletthe beginning and end of a stream are very cocentrated and dirtyDON'T: - USE DIURETICS, CRANBERRY JUICE, DETOX PILLS / DRINKS, HERBAL REMEDIES, NIACIN, ZINC, OR ANY OF THAT OTHER BULLSHIT THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORKnone of them work and you'll just be wasting your money- WATER LOAD THE DAY BEFORE THE TESTit doesn't work- FAST OR KEEP YOURSELF FROM EATINGit will slow down metabolism- SMOKE THREE DAYS BEFORE YOUR DRUG TESTseriously dude, that was just retarded.

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