how to extract gold from quartz, when it does not appear naturally in metallic form?
The quartz crystals are all over new england and the world usually you can stop them in an outcropping of granite white crystals are common no need to look to far
You could find one in a geologic survey for free on a field trip or at a rock and gem show or in a stream bed. If not you can ask people to bring them to the local library for check out. yes i know cracks about if i could put the fortune teller on the shelf as well for check out will be made.
There is NO connection between tarot cards and crystal divination. They are entirely separate and different methods. In the larger sizes they are quite expensive. (For most uses a mirror will work and is much cheaper!) Try searching for supplies, occult, divination, that should get you several online sites for purchase.
Depends how pure of form you seek. If youare looking for the hexagonal crystal of some length, there is always okorder, but there are other sources for mineral examples as well. If you happen to have a jewelry supply store near you, they will likely have the best prices. After that look for a rock shop in your area. If you are just looking for a chunk of quartz, you can find some on any dirt road- they will not be the perfectly formed crystals.