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How to find the period number and electron configuration of an element?

So I need this answered by like today cause I have a big chemistry test tomorrow, so how would I find the period number and electron configuration? I need an easy to understand answer thoUgh


I don't know about every one else's experience, but all the Aluminum propellers I have ever handled were fixed pitch forgings, that were balanced by filing/sanding small amounts of the metal off of where it was heavy atThis usually was followed by polishing and a new coat of clear to prevent corrosionI will admit that all my experience is on small aircraft, and not inclusive of adjustable pitch propellers.
To increase the corrosion, it's not steel, it's lead as stated earlierC'mon people, none of you have been around old airplanes? Fe + Al corrosion, period.
Haven't heard of it but giving you benefit of doubt for legitimate question I will hazard a guess, First off are you sure it's a forged tube? If the animal you describe exists I would expect it to be extrudedNow you say you have this tube and you stuff it with steel wool prior to formingThat would require heatAluminum hates heatMaybe the Steel Wool would be a heat sync If that were the case I believe the steel wool would be removed when the forming/shaping was completedOtherwise electrolysis would eat your lunch in any humidity above about 65%.
You need to refer to a Periodic tableThe horizontal rows in the table(Periods) will tell you the number of shells an element has.There are 7 Periods in the Modern Periodic TableEgCalcium belongs to the fourth period so it has four shellsThe vertical columns(groups) will give you the number of electrons in its outermost shell.(not applicable for transition elements).There are 18 groups in the Modern Periodic TableEgPotassium belongs to the first group so its has 1 electron in its outermost shell Aluminum belongs to the 13th group and has 3 electrons in its outer most shell All elements belonging to the 18th group have completed their octetNow, to figure out the electronic configuration of an element, say, silicon(Si)It belongs to the 3rd Period so it has 3 shellsIt is placed in the 14th group so it has 4 electrons on its outermost shellSo the first shell has 2 electrons(octet rule), the second shell has 8 electrons and the last shell has 4 electronsThe electronic configuration of silicon is 2,8,4Hope this is helpful:)

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