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How to get on my roof?

I have a window on the second story in my room next to the roof of my garage so I can climb out onto it. I just want to make sure it's safe to climb onto it and lay on it. And will climbing back in be as easy? Please don't tell me not to do it cause ill probably do it anyways so instead tell me how to do it safely.


Do what roofers do, get a saftey harness.
Okay, first assess if the roof is too steep for you to stand on. If you have seen others in the neighborhood walking on the same kind of slope, then it should be okay, but until you feel safe, stay three feet back from the edges. You could have a rope tied securely inside to the bed frame and just draped out the window for confidence getting back in. But the main thing is that the distance from the bottom of the window to the roof at the window is a height you can get back into. So first time, with the rope hanging out, hang firmly onto the bottom of the window, stick out one leg and straddle the window, then pivot onto your belly, and drop the second leg and scoot out to the roof. By the way, on a really hot day, you don't want to get burnt by the heated roof, so wear long pants or bring a towel that won't make you slide. Because the roof can get over 150% just sitting in the sun.

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