I recently hot boxed my car and am realizing this was really stupid, because now when I open my car, it smells super strong. I have put baking soda in my car and on the seats, and it lightly lifted a bit of the smoke smell. However I am trying to get it to completely go away. I looked at some answers some people asked this same question. I read that vinegar can get rid of the smell, and ozium? Where can I buy this? And is itia neutralizer or a deoderizer.
Never should have done it in the first place and you wouldn't have this problem. But now to the question:D Just go to wal-mart and buy up some AXE mens spray and some car air fresheners.
warm you car up real hot inside. then sprinkle fresh coffee grinds all over the seats and floor. leave car run a while with heater blasting. then shut off let stand overnight. vacuum up the coffee. this should take care of it. and leaving a plastic cup dull of fresh coffee grinds in it with a lid with holes should mask any left over scent. just make sure you use fresh from the can coffee not used grinds . and for goodness sake somke outside your car and home. you won't have to worry then if you get stopped or have a suprise visit .
Go buy a spray bottle of extra-strength febreeze, spray down the seats, floor, ceiling, the cargo area, anywhere there is fabric, you should spray. Leave your windows down for a while and drive around with the air going to air the car out a bit. Any grocery store has febreeze, and ozium can be found easier at hardware stores.