The motherboard failed, the drive still works, can access all files. I need the old static IP address for the replacement computer because a remote sytem used the old PC for it's database. Which file on the old drive contains it? Or is there a utility to read the old registry? New computer running Win7.Thanks
Should be able to - baked polymer clay is PVC plastic - do a dummy run with a small scrap of backed stuff and a small mold.
This is an interesting question! Gravity DOES have a speed of propagation. We generally accept Einstein's prediction that the effect of gravity would propagate at the speed of light, even if experiments have been difficult to do. No one is expecting any other final result. We have verified that this is in the range of the speed of light, but have not been able to be accurate. Clearly, having massive objects suddenly appear or disappear would provide an easy test - just the thing we cannot do. Then the question is, can a gravitational field affect a gravitational field: does the space-time distortion influence this field at all. Since we can observe the effects of very massive objects that clearly do distort space-time, and since it is expected that the gravitational field of a black hole is not different, at a distance, from the gravitational field of the star that preceded it, I would assume that gravity - or the rate of propagation of gravity - is not affected by space-time distortion. But the truth is that not many people on the planet really understand all of the implications of General Relativity, and I am not one of them, so this is not an expert opinion. I think the real explanation of this would be quite complex, and might suggest that Yahoo Answers might not be the best place find reliable responses.