I have a project where i have to keep hot things hotWhat things/materials should i use and how should i use them?
Wow that is allot of stuffDo you have a cart for that thing it must weigh a ton After camping with the Boy Scouts for many years I have found that you will not need half of the things on that list half of the timeHere is a list of stuff in most Boy Scout Patrol BoxesLarge Pot ( for stews and heating up water ) Small pot ( Same ) Pan ( For small cooking Frying ) Skillet ( for frying large dinners ) Cooking utensils- spatula, knife, tongs, spoon, fork 3 Large tubs ( For Dishes ) First Aid kit Frisbees ( Yes Frisbees ) they make a great bowl or plate, and it is a game to play other wiseMatches Paper ( for fires ) Soap Not allot but not allot is needed when you are roughing it.
I know I'm a little late for the party, but If using cast iron or aluminum type cook ware bring SOS pads (steel wool impregnated with soap) I would never use SOS pads on a properly seasoned cast iron pan, griddle or Dutch oven, and I generally avoid using soap on themYou will have to re-season your cast iron after using soap Scrape away any residue with a metal spatulaWipe the cast iron clean with a paper towelWipe a little more cooking oil or bacon grease onto the interior surface with a clean paper towelDone.
Mirror the inside of the containerHeat is infra-red light, and a mirror or mirrored foil can help reflect some of that inInsulate the containerThe worse of a conductor the betterPut the cintainer in a bigger container, and fill the space with something that has lots of space, like insulation, down/feathers, poly-fiber-fill like in some pillows or blankets that aren't down, or perhaps towels or styrofoamIf you have the ability, put the container in a vacuum.laughs I know, but you asked! These are the 3 things that thermos makers use to keel their contents temperature constantAlso, try pre-heating the container: if you're using a thermos, fill it with hot hot water and let it warm up for 15-30 seconds, then dump out the water and add your contents.