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How to preform a religious ceremony in the Qin dynasty?

I need to write about how to preform a Qin Dynasty religious ceremony by Sunday. Can anyone help me out?


1. Become a 4 foot tall Chinese man. 2. Get some sheep bones. 3. Put the bones in a fire after spouting nonsense. 4. Take the bones out and make up a bunch of crap to the emperor about the location of the cracks and their meanings. 5. Repeat step 1 6. Get paid by the emperor. 7. ?? 8. Profit
1. Get a table to act as an altar 2. get some pieces of wood 3. write the name of your ancestors on it 4. place wooden pieces upright on the table 5. place some candles and incenses on both sides 6. kneel down and bang your head 7. Get a wine cup, pour wine in it and offer it facing the altar 8. you can drink the wine or pour it on the ground before the altar I'm Chinese. ancestral worship is done similarly for thousands of years. and I hate it

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