I broke another bracket on my braces and I need to know a nontoxic way to reattach it MYSELF. I can't go to the orthodontist cause I broke so many that they charge $30 for every emergency appointment and are getting very mad. I need help before my tooth starts moving!!Thanks and God bless!
Not possible to fix brackets by self. Because fixation is not important. but fixing it at rite place is importantwhich u can not do. Ortho doc kn where to fixn all Improper fixation leads to displacements of ur teeth.n its dangerous. Yes u can wait 4 -5 days but get it fixedsince entire ortho treatment depends on the brackets If u think costly see dentist near by u n get it fixed. But dont ignore
You have to go to the ortho.
i dont think it would be safe to do it yourself. you should definetly go to the orthodontist