I added a bit too much Oil into the engine, so I decide that I would be able to suck the oil out with some tubing. However part of the plastic tubing fell off into the dipstick hole and it possibly in the oil pan now. I call some mechanic, and ended up having some say that it will damage the engine and some saying that it will not effect the engine. Can someone give me a more in-depth explanation. On how I can remove the plastic tubing? and How is will effect the engine? Should I even drive it?
Not good. The plastic could conceivably block the oil pump, causing a catastrophic loss of oil preeure. I'd recommend you drive it to your closest mechanic and have him drop the oil pan and remove it. It'll cost a lot of money, but not nearly as much as having the motor go away due to no oil.
If the tubeing was long enough, you might be able to fish it out with a very long bent wire with a small enough hook to go inside the tube you droped in the dip stick hole.
Take a short length of the same tube and see if it floats in motor oil. If it sinks, you WILL NOT have a problem and the screen in the oil pickup will not allow the tube to be sucked up. If it floats, there is the slight possibility that the crankshaft could throw the tube up into the underside of the pistons, but I seriously doubt it. Even if it did, I don't think anything would happen. If it was me, I'd forget about it and try to fish it out the next time I changed the oil.
That's a hard call, It would be best to remove the oil pan and get the part out, I have found tubes in the oil pan where someone had driven the broken part of a tube that had broken off and then a new dip stick tube installed, Its not to likely it will hurt anything if its plastic, another way is to drain the oil and try and fish it out through the drain plug. Good Luck and GOD Bless.
Since it it plastic and your engine gets extremely hot it will probably just melt. I will bet when you get around to it. The plastic will have already been melted. Even though its 5 inches it will just swirl around in there until it melts or untill you get it out. I dought you will be able to get it out by using a wire put its worth a try. One little piece of plastic tubing will not stop forged rods and a crankshaft from moving nor will it stop up an oil pump that has a filter on it to remove such things from entering your oil ways. And to pay somone to do that will be about 150$. About 2-2 and a half hours labor to remove and install the oil pan. Save your money itll be alright.