Hurricane Ike blew a 11 ftstorm surge onto their island, bringing the usual flotsam and jetsam along with some larger objectsThere is a sailboat over 50 ft(15 m.) in length in their yard, and numerous others lying on their keels around the islandApparently the small bridge connecting the man-made island to the mainland can not support bringing large cranes onto the island, and the lake is too shallow by the bulkhead to get a barge with a crane within reach to lift the boats outIs there any option but to cut the boats into pieces to remove them?
The same one you could've stepped on when you had the chance but instead opted to act like a punk-azzed drama queen and ran away screaming fromHeres some advice, step on every bug you see because they have a tendency to come back and bite you in the azz if you don't (Thats a metaphor BTW, but it applies to real bugs as well)!
You SHOULD have removed the eggs BEFORE bringing in, then no need to re-wash clean clothesCould be almost any insect, but sounds like a garden spider, (an arachnid,) to meMOST dryers do NOT get hot enough to kill most bugs.
Wait till the tide comes intee hee!