I have a 22 cu in ceiling box with four lines of 14/2 romex in it and a light mounted on the boxThree of the neutrals have damaged insulation and if I were to cut off the damaged wire I would only have an inch or so leftThere is no attic or acces above the boxWhat would be the best way to repair the damaged neutral wires?
As long as the wires themselves are NOT damaged, Heat shrink themLowe's sells the stuffYou might want to set aside some time to do this, as a hair dryer takes A LONG TIME to shrink that tubing, unless you want to sped some money, REAL money, and buy a heat gunDo not, repeat, DO NOT use a torch (flame less or not) to shrink itJust take your time and do it right THE FIRST TIME! If you don't, you will MAKING an attic accessGood luck!
Go to a shipping location and package it up there as best as you canTry to see if you can stabalize the graphics cards somehowI know those can easily get damaged, or you can remove those cards during transport and put them back in at the destinationAirlines handle luggage very harshlyDo not expect gentle hands when you put something in luggageAs for carry on it seems like you would exceed carry on size and you might have problems getting it through TSA I recommend shipping it overnight and hoping it gets there before you do.