How to select submersible mixer
Know the length, width and height of the regulating tank. The size can be supplied to the production equipment manufacturers, and they will help you to type selection
Selection and attention of submersible mixer:Each 500 cubic meters volume with 1KW power transfer distance to 60Nm or more, after actual inspection, received better effect. Some small wheel speed, speed can not achieve this effect. ?Circular pool, runway type pool, ring type pool can reduce 10% power, square pool, rectangular pool, triangle pool must increase 10% power, the pool type is larger, power can be reduced. ?For every 10% increase in dielectric density, power must be increased by 30%. ?Square pool, rectangular pool can also be considered in the size of the impeller, spiral angle, installation position, the position of the inlet and outlet, and so on, so there is no dead angle or small dead angle. ?As for the flow rate problems, there are many pushing mixers, which have to provide the relevant data of the original flow rate, pool type, section length and the required velocity. The company can provide the appropriate products. This is a rather complicated process. For selection, contact your supplier.Installation height of submersible mixer:(1) impeller diameter less than 1 meters, pool bottom to mixer center X=, impeller radius +0.7 meters.(2) impeller diameter 1 meters above, according to radius +1 meters. ?(3) the installation height can be increased or lowered according to the depth of the pool.
The selection of submersible mixer is a complex work, and the selection scheme is correct or not, which directly affects the normal use of equipment, as the principle of selectionIs to allow the mixer in the appropriate volume to play full mixing function, this standard is generally available flow rate to determine. According to the different work of the sewage treatment plantArt, the optimal flow rate selection should be guaranteed in the mixer between the original park edge member Park aid aid ape house soap Ze, if less than Yuan Ze yuan aid member margin soap velocity is not up to the push flow mixing effect,If more than Yuan Ze yuan aid ape soap velocity will affect the process and the effect of waste. Therefore, in the selection, we must first determine the diving mixer running on what occasions?,Such as: sewage tank, sludge tank or biochemical pool; followed by the media parameters, such as: suspended solids content, temperature, pregnancy value, etc.; there is the shape of the pond, water depth, and even ANN