I know I'd use bridged networking ideally, but our web host only gives us one IP address so that's no longer an optionAnd NAT doesn't seem to work to well with our windows 2003 server.it's upload speed drops from 10mpbs to 300kbps with the NAT option enabled, that's terrible! So I started thinking maybe I'd be better off using host networking and create an internet connection sharing within the 2003 server so it maintains those upload speeds as well with vmwareThe problem is, is that I enabled ICS in Windows 2003 and I enabled it on the VMware network adapter vmnet1, which is host only networking adapterWhen I start my virtual machine it shows it has a local ip address assigned to it but no default gateway and no access to the webI checked the status of the adapter and it shows that it's sending packets but isn't receiving a whole lotI can't seem to figure out why ICS isn't working because it seems to have a local IP assigned to itCan someone please help?
Family Guy and the Monday Night Football song
I think short skirts, coz you showcase more feet, but really no matter both is going great