So tomorrow is my State Meet for a HUGE acting competition. Im scared out of my mind! In past meets(not state), if I stay calm, i get perfect scores from the judges, otherwise, I stutter, pause, and flub my words a lot... Im a stressed out person in general and My nerves on meet days are to the point where im about to pee my pants... Literally. Now, this thing is tomorrow... How do I stay calm while and before preforming my skit/piece. How do i calm my nerves?
Try to take a breath, just think in your mind, 'this will eventually end' and if you have to smile and say, ' excuse me one moment' try to stay calm.
Just tell yourself that you have to nail. It walk out there with a huge confident smile.on your face and you'll do great. Good luck! :)
I'm a big performer, so I have some personal experience. But, remember, everybody gets nervous, including me. Shake out your legs, arms, roll your shoulders, shake/roll your head, and say anything that gets on your mind. Stretch yourself out, and by saying anything that gets on your mind, you're lifting things off your shoulders. Believe in yourself. If you mess up while performing, don't try to correct yourself by repeating the line, just keep going, as if you never messed up. I just arrived back from a singing competition in front of a bunch of people that I didn't know, and a few judges. Try to wear colorful (or light colored) clothes. Keep yourself cool (like not hot, not cold, but perfect. Have a good breakfast, and night sleep. If you stay up late practicing, you'll be tired. Keep yourself well fed. When you're hungry, your brain doesn't work correctly. Know that no matter how you perform, you're going to be a winner! Now good luck!
my advice is you don't want to stay calm. Let yourself be a little nervous. I would go onstage and think my legs were shaking and everyone would notice that but I would ask and no one notices. another thing is maybe getting more into your character I would always be bacstage freaking out and the second I hit the stage I turn on my character and I'm not nervous at all then I walk off stage and start to freak out again! the adreneline normally helps you on stage. sorry if this isn't any help