I currently have a Cisco WRT160N v3 router that is sending out wireless signal to my computersHowever, I am experimenting with my old D-Link Dl-624 Wireless router and am trying to make it a wireless adapter/bridge for a computer in my basementI plan on connecting the D-Link to the machine and using it like a wireless adapterI am fairly certain this is called a bridgeHowever, I have no idea how to go about doing thisCan anybody help me out?? (I do not want to connect the two routers by a cable.) Thanks in advance!
Largest To Smallest Atomic Radius
Routers are used to join dissimilar networks to each other and are thus less accurately described as the interface between the Wide Area Network and the Local Area NetworkRouters themselves have an IP address on both networks that they connectBridges are used to provide smart switching and data transmission similar to that of a repeater or a hub within the Local Area Network and do not themselves have an IP addressWireless routers are generally a misnomerA wireless router is not a routerA wireless router is the combination of two or three typically separate network devices combined into a single box/case to simplify network connectionsA wireless router is usually comprised of a standard wired router and a standard wireless access pointAdditionally, some wireless routers include a network switch and offer 1 or more RJ-45 jacks for your computers not connected wirelesslyThe exact internal configuration is slightly more complex that what I've described because when the network devices are separate, the router has an IP address for both sides, AND the wireless access point has its own IP addressIn the case of your Cisco WRT160N and your DLink DI-624, the wireless access point does not have its own IP addressinstead it shares the router's internal (LAN) IP addressNow, with that said, most wireless routers can be used as either a router or as simply and access pointWireless access points require a network connection in order to share that signal wirelessly with other computersIn the case of your DI-624, I'm guessing that you plan to connect your computer to an RJ-45 jack via a CAT-5 cable on the DLink and let the DLink talk to the Cisco WRT160N wirelesslyMost likely, you cannot do what you want to doThe DLink isn't going to have any sort of feature that allows it to connect to another wireless networki.e., that which is provided by your Cisco WRT160N.