AMD FX-6300Sapphire Radeon r9 270xASUS M5A99FX PRO motherboard 8Gb(2x4) ram1 Tb HDD120 Gb SSD450 watt power supplyI will be using this pc for gaming mostly and Primarily I'd like to know if this is a good set up and how well this build will be if I plan to overclock CPU and gpu?Hiw well will it Run BF4 and other high end games? Does this motherboard support overclocking well?(this was a budget build and if you suggest I change any parts please suggest a part of the same price for I can't spend much more on this build). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well starpc11 has a point where 450 watt is to little, better psu =/= better FPS. The thing to focus is on the graphics card. With a 270x (great choice by the way) you'll do great. Probably not bf4 ultra, but still be able to play it without any issues whatsoever