i am really bored and don't know what to do to keep my sellf occupied?
Not a problemIf you have drip edge on the rakes (sides), it's just for looksYou only need it on the bottom edge of the roofIf you look around at other houses, you will see that some of them don't have metal on the rakesDon't worryBuilder for 40 years.
Drip edge is so low cost, you should replace it along with a new roofI don't see whether the drip edge is above or below the felt makes any differenceWater runs downward, not side waysAs long as the shingles overhang the drip edge sufficiently, I never had an problems.
the felt should be tarred to the drip edge for the entire perimeter of the roof.all the old felt should be removed to visually inspect the wood prior to reroofing.drip edge only costs 40 or 50 cent a foot if gutters aren't involved they may as well replace it too as it wont be in as good a shape after the tear off.
If by tar paper you are referring to 15 lbfelt.it goes under the drip edge and the shingles or rolled roofing goes over the drip edgeCheck your local codes to see if the felt is still acceptableSome codes now require freeze barrier paperI'm not sure what it is called but it is a roll of sticky plastic about 3 ftwide that sticks to the roof sheeting.