Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Ceramic Fiber Blanket > I bought a kit for permanently straightening hair and I was wondering if someone could help?

I bought a kit for permanently straightening hair and I was wondering if someone could help?

The kit is called quot;one n' only Thermal Ionicquot;Instead of going to a salon to pay upwards of up to $450, I thought I should try it myselfI need tips though, before I begin the processMy mother is helping me with thisI have a ceramic straightening iron, but aside from that, I have no idea of where to beginMy hair texture is easy to straighten with an iron, but wavyCan someone help me who has done this themselves? Thank you, and if possible, could you tell me how it turned out?


it worked good on my hairjust follow the step by step intstructionsIm 14 and im a guy so it didn't work quite to its potentisl but i dtill dtrsighten it and it cuts your hair straightning time in half.
all depends on where you live

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