Well, 3 days ago I took Miralax because I hadn't been able to go number 2, and it still hasn't workedwhen I've taken it before, it went into immediate effect but now, nothingalso, Metimucil doesn't work for me, it just kinda congeals in there and make things worseAre there any things I can do to help move things along?
I call it I love you long time sailor blankie, I bought a black a red micro fibre blankies, my cat took the black one ( same color as him), he kneads bites it to death!
RE: Why does my cat knead and bite my blanket? I have one of those micro fiber, really soft blankets on my bed and my cat will knead it for the longest time while biting it and taking big chunks of it in her mouthShell sometimes just lay there on it with the blanket in her mouthWhy does she do that? She does it everyday
It's a throwback from their kittenhoodKittens knead around the mom's nipples to make the milk come outI call it making biscuits.My cat is 9 and he still does it.
You have constipationLotion the motion with fiberGo on a high-fiber diet Soluble fiber, found in grains, legumes and fruits, is particularly effectiveOatmeal, rice, wheat germ, corn bran, prunes, raisins, apricots, figs and an apple a day are all good sources Try a natural laxativeFor a concentrated constipation buster, go for a fiber supplement that will budge that balky bowelOne of the best is psyllium, which is sold in health food storesI recommend one teaspoon of psyllium with mealsAdd the teaspoonful to a glass of water or juice and stir thoroughly before drinking(You can also make a paste of one teaspoon of psyllium moistened with water, but be sure to drink at least a full glass of juice or water afterward.) Another alternative: Metamucil, a bowel regulator that contains psyllium and is sold in most drugstores and some supermarketsGive a high-fiber cookie to the kid in youWhen you need a break from bran cereals, don't give up on fiberInstead, try a fiber cookie supplement like Fiberall or Fibermed wafers,Be sure to take them with plenty of fluids-at least a six- to eight-ounce glass with each I also suggest you to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day Hope I helped