I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your body can't absorb the type of calcium that's in oyster shells. The way to tell is to put a bit of it in a cup of vinegar. If it doesn't dissolve, your stomach acid can't dissolve it either. What you need to consume is the equivalent of two cups of milk a day. If you don't want to drink milk, then drink orange juice that is fortified with calcium or eat cheese or yogurt or some other dairy food. Find out how much calcium is in one cup by looking on the back of a carton of milk at the grocery store and start reading labels on other foods to find the equivalent in those various food. These things vary by brand, so I can't just tell you in this little space. Make sure it's low fat, though, so that it's healthy and doesn't raise your serum cholesterol.
Did you look at the car? If the wheel is out of place, you broke a ball joint. Its possible the tranny is shot as well. If its an axle, it'll cost between $200 and $300 to fix, assuming you did not damage anything trying to move the car. With an older car you MUST inspect the boot. If it is damaged (usually indicated by grease slung all over the inside of the wheel) the clock is ticking and you have to replace it or the whole axle (whole axles are easier).
Sounds like your low on transmission fluid. Let your car run for a little while until it warms up and while running check the fluid level. The stick to check fluid will be close to the passenger compartment usually on the passenger side of the car. Without the fluid automatic transmissions wont engage the gears and will slip out sometimes. Keep track of the fluid level. Being low on fluid is not good for your transmission. If it keeps going down then you have a leak that will need to be fixed.
It's good that you do not drink the typical milk you find in stores that is total junk. It is pasteurized / homogenized and comes from sick cows that are fed Grain that is not cows natural diet. The truth is that RAW MILK from cows fed grass and milked in the fields is the far superior way to get milk. Milk from these cows is very healthy and very good for you. If you take the RAW MILK and make homemade RAW kefir and drink that each day, you will get lots of high quality fatty acids that nourish your body. Oyster shell calcium is not the best thing for you. What you want is a highly biological form of calcium that can be digested well and nourish your body. Most people get enough calcium each day in their diet if you eat good organically grown vegetables, but it is the co-factors that do not allow the body to utilize the calcium eaten. That is the big problem. Many things like dental infections from bad dental work that is rampant and almost epidemic in the U.S. now and low stomach acid due to the SAD (standard American diet). I have found a great source for calcium supplements at: (800) 370 - 3447. But as I said, taking calcium is only part of the issue in regard to making sure your body utilizes the calcium properly. I suggest you go see a Certified Nutritional Therapist to get tested to determine what your calcium levels are in your body and to examine ALL the co-factors to make sure you are utilizing the calcium you are getting properly. good luck to you