Everytime I come back home (from ANYWHERE) I always feel depressed and bored with my life. -Take for example today; I went to the mall, and had a great time with my friends. I was on top of the world! Then, when I came back home I started feeling sad again for no apparent reason.I want to be HAPPY when I come home! Whats wrong with me!?
Could be because you weren't with your friend anymore. When you got home you felt lonely. Or you could be suffering from some kind of obsessive shopping disorder. These types of people only feel happy when shopping. Then when shopping is over they feel sad. These types of people end up in debt. Try to find other things that make you feel happy. Like get a pet. A dog or a cat. Or crochet or knit. Jump rope. Create a copping skills list. Get creative. I know depression is hard. I have it too.
I dont think theres anything wrong with you at all! i think you need to start doing things in your home that you enjoy doing by yourself, for example, listening to music (in your own home), cooking, gardening, chilling watching teli, chat on the phone to friends too, jut be sociable whilst your in your own home and mybe even invite people round to make you feel better,, so it proves your not depressed, maybe you just dont enjoy yourself as much being in your own home? you could rent out a room in your own home, perhaps to one of your friends, so then you dont feel lonely or depressed. or you could make your home more homely, ie, painting the walls, buying plants, adding ornaments etc. really hope this helps :) - you are not going crazy dont worry
Nothing . I'm like that right now but probably cause there's nothing to eat:/ di you have a safe and happy home? Do you have a place to go to enjoy ourself like your room! And is it nice ? Also do you have things to do at home it's a place to relax really