and I've been in this funkI just want to lie around and read booksIt is a chore just to do laundry or unload the dishwasher and I don't have kids! Could a healthy 47 year old woman be this lazy?
Lol I hope that you do not have to shoot anyone one day.But I heard that if someone is in your house trying to steal from you and they have a weapon or threaten your life in way then you can shoot themIf not run and get help.I was watching Law and Order and this episode showed that an adult was rubbing this families house and the husband found himHe did not shoot him but did the same damage as a bullet can doHe hit him with a bat a few times in the head and the rubber died.The police actually arrested the owner of the house because they didn't find a weapon on the rubberThat is crazy, it could be true so just be careful and keep your house safe.
You can only use force if you feel your life is in danger and only enough force to remove this danger sufficient for the police to be called and no moreGuarding property is not considered enough of a reason to shoot.
NOOOOOO!! just become you are in america and you allowed to own a gun does not mean you can shoot a person! you can be arrested if you found out you better of calling the police and doing it the sensible way then going to prison for years.
Wow.some pretty crazy answers so farSome heading in the right direction, some a little off, and some.well, we won't even discuss the others Ultimately, you should consult with your local police agency to find the actual correct answer based on the laws of the jurisdiction you are in as it varies greatly from place to place Typically, you can use deadly force ONLY in those instance where you can reasonably show you were in fear for you lifeTo determine this, there are several criteriaFirst is proximityThat is, is the perpetrator close enough or in a position to be able to inflict serious injury or cause deathSecond is ability, if he is in a position to be able to, is he capable of causing serious injury or deathThird s preclusionThat is, there were no other opportunities or alternative resolutionsthere was NOTHING else you could have done In most places, deadly force is only authorized in protecting life, NOT propertyAnd, even if on your own property there is what is called Duty to retreatWhich means that you must show that you made every effort to remove yourself form the situation before using deadly forceIf you have the opportunity and the means to escape, you must California law differs greatly from most other states, especially on guns ownership and the use of themI serously recommend asking your local police what the law says regarding deadly force and self defense before you even consider the possibility of shooting someone.expecially over a few cigarette buttsLet's be reasonable.
think about the EMTs using a crane and a fork lift to take you out the picture window cause the door is to small.they load you in a dump truck cause your to big for the ambulance you don't want me to keep going do you.good now get up and go for a walk.walk every day and your energy level will go up you either get up and walk or the locals will be exhibiting you along with the rest of the hippos.sorryyou needed that