I opened by the laptop yesterday, cause it was being dumb (Like always) and I found 2 bed bug lerva. I'm competlety grossed out by this. I have no idea where they came from.
Uggg... Our WHOLE apartment complex became infested. The management ended up buying everyone new mattresses and box springs. I left on the plastic covering for a year I was so paranoid. But if you SEE a bug it is usually an adult. Unless it just fed which it is then dark and leaves a blot when killed. I used white sheets for months. The babies are kinda beige. I would keep everything bagged for awhile. Vacuum often, and empty it out in the trash outside! LOL I am sure I will have nightmares tonight! Good Luck!
How do bed bugs invade a home? Because bed bugs readily hide in small crevices, they may accompany (as stowaways) luggage, furniture, clothing, pillows, boxes, and other such objects when these are moved between apartments, homes and hotels. Used furniture, particularly bed frames and mattresses, are of greatest risk of harboring bed bugs and their eggs. Thus, one should carefully scrutinize and consider the history of any used furniture, particularly ‘street’ items so plentiful at the beginning and end of each academic year. Because they readily survive for many months without feeding, bed bugs may already be present in apparently ‘vacant’ and ‘clean’ apartments. Bed bugs can wander between adjoining apartments through voids in walls and holes though which wires and pipes pass. In a few cases, bats and/or birds may introduce and maintain bed bugs and their close relatives (bat bugs and bird bugs). Pest control personnel should be mindful of the presence of blood feeding insects and mites that may be left behind after removing nests or roosts of birds and bats in and on the home.
I was asking myself about this as well
Sometimes it takes them a while to go into full force. My brother in law and his g/f had these HORRIBLY and had no commitment to even THINKING about getting rid of them and since we lived in a double and I didn't find out about it til WE had gotten them,we ended up with bedbugs and they only seemed to bite me and not my husband or my daughters. They are AWFUL AWFUL little things too! They can live in/on almost ANY surface especially linens and woodwork.They can live up to 5-7 yrs without even eating anything and they are continuous 'feeders' which means they come back and bite the same spot at least 3 times before they are done for a while(I did a lot of research when I found out we had gotten them) What you should do is go to the store and into the pest control section(around the gardening) and buy one of the big jugs of the bug spray.Make sure to read what pests is control and what it doesn't.Most rid of bed bugs but there are some that don't so make sure to read it very carefully and make sure it has bed bugs as one of the pests it rids of. You want to spray EVERYTHING and even though it is very time consuming and annoying,you must do EVERYTHING.Spray the linings of your mattress,the headboard and footboard,the entire mattress next(but make sure to get the nooks and crannys of the mattress REALLY GOOD),spray your chairs or sofa's,dressers,etc... Even tho you only found 2 it doesn't mean that there isn't more hiding out somewhere. Just like when you get lice you want to put all your bed clothes,curtains,covers in the dryer on the hottest setting possible and you can even do this with your clothes(but there's always the chance of shrinking so be careful). All this worked well and every since that one time we had them,we've never had a problem since. I'd say it was about a 4=5 day process considering we had a 3 bedroom double when this happened but it was well worth it to get rid of those things.