Home > categories > Security & Protection > Speed Bump > I got 2 tires replaced because of a flat in one tire. Now the front of my car is making loud, strange noises. What's happening?

I got 2 tires replaced because of a flat in one tire. Now the front of my car is making loud, strange noises. What's happening?

I wasn't hearing any of these noises before I got my tires changed. Now it's a really loud clunking noise at the front wheels as I drive, especially at lower speeds. The tire shop says I suddenly have loose bearings and quoted me another $400 to get them changed. But I wasn't hearing all this noise before they changed my tires. Did they mess up my car? They said it's either a coincidence that the noise started right after the tire change OR I just couldn't hear it before because the old tires were making so much road noise. B.S. I can hear it with the air conditioning full blast and people on the street are looking at me as I drive by because it's so loud. WHAT IS GOING ON???


It doesn't people are just re tarted,, tell the person that told you that that they are re tarted to
Well u could use remote control, but there is a lot of stuff to engage it. and plus if u wanted to control his computer u wud need to log in regardless. Hes gunna have to use a reset disk or log into the administrator account. Worst case scenario that person would have to reinstall windows.
Local ordinances will vary from state to state, But 20 feet is a safe bet.
when you cross it less than head on then the suspension keeps the car up longer and helps carry the weight,when you hit it straight on soon as the front wheels cross over the high point of the speed bump gravity takes over and there's not another wheel right there to help take the force of gravity so it bottoms out,hope this makes sense,thats how it works

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