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if you get a parking ticket, does your insurance increase?

i got a ticket for parking to close to a fire hydrant. i wasnt anywhere near the car and came back. would my insurance increase?


I buy used clothes online like from
Just before I was going to have my daughter I realized I had nothing really for winter warm clothing so I bought some clothing off of Kijiji ( it's a great webstire to find used things that you can either pick up from someone else or they can deliver to you ) well I got clothing and it was just disgusting, for one they gave me all 24 months clothing it was covered in stains etc. Needless to say, was a waste of my time money. But I have had luck with other hand me down's, you just have to find the right one's I guess.
i went to pick up a baby walker from someone on freecycle. The house smelt like urine, the woman was smoking a cig the whole time I was there and the walker looked like it had been passed down 3 generations (and in that theory, was also not up-to-date for safety measures). The walker was disgusting and smelt. I drove straight to a rubbish tip and got rid of it. I usually accept all hand-me downs and wash them thouroughly - but no amount of cleaning could have brought that walker up to any reasonable standard.
No that has never hapened to me. Why didn't you wash them and then see how they came out. I was everything even if it looks horrible after getting it. Usually that gets the dirt out. If not then I just donate it. There is someone out there that will be thankful for it dirt or not.

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