So ever since I stopped wear children clothes since they look ridiculous. We shop in adults' and injuniors.My Mom keeps on telling me that large is my size and she keeps on buying me huge large clothes. I told her its not my size and she keeps on buying it. Once when we were shopping for underwear she bought large size for herself and large for me too THE SAME BRAND.What the heck is her problem? I'm 125 pounds and five foot 7. So please don't tell meI'm fat. Is it because in children's clothes I was an extra-large?they are huge and fall off ofme. And they make me look huge too. My Mom is like your a size 10 like me. Take a size 10.and she waslike its your size its a large. Or when my sister chose a dress.Your sister chose thesize its a medium.
I wouldn't high miles on a Jeep that unless you have records of every oil change and tune-up you don't know how well it has been maintained. Could go bad really quick
Certainly and if your Town/City has a department of Public Health, let them know as well. Rose (concerned citizen) P.
Also report it to the local dog catcher.
I really don't know if it would cost more than your central heating system. I do know that fireplaces in general are a huge waste because heat rises and in a fireplace , a significant amount of your heat goes up the chimney. A blower that directs the heat in to the room will reduce this problem.
Ye Gods, tell me it didn't get into the water supply!!!!