I have a cold air intake of a toyota tundra v8 and I put the air filter part on my vortec v6 s10 witch is throttle body but idont have tobe part because it won‘t fit and my truck bogges down when I slam on it but once I am going it goes what did i do wrong please help me out and no rude coments please andcould you guid me through how to make I run better with it or whatever thank you
It's kind of hard not to be rude when you type like a deranged monkey and fall for the cold intake scam.
the is no parts interchange between those two vehicles. freash air system only means the inlet ducting opening draws freash air. not engine bay air. that's all! if your TBI has that, leave it alone. trying to improve it will be for not unless the engine, induction, exhaust, and fuel delivery systems are improved. if your TBI doesn't have ducting going to the front core support to draw freash air, go to a hardware store, buy some dryer ducting thats as big or larger than the snorkle on your air cleaner. zip tie or duct tape it on. support it and rout it up to the core support. all that will cost you maybe ten bucks. then you can see, w/o screwing up the engine, and relatively no cost, that they are just bling unless other things are dealt with first.