i own a 92 grand marqius and it has 2 spout connectors but only one has a plug in it is the other one suposed to have a plug in too?
It wouldn't have two spout connectors unless it had two DIS modules, which it doesn't. It must just be a connector that looks the same as the spout connector.
The one with a connector in it is SPOUT just like you said, it is unplugged when you are setting base timing and the reinserted when you are done to restore the engine to computed timing. The connector that has nothing in it is for the fuel pump, if you have the fuel system open you can jump these two wires and the fuel pump will turn on regardless of key position, we used to use them to turn the fuel pump on if we needed to drain the tank. It worked quite well, just hook up the fuel pressure gage, open the bleed hose, plug the SPOUT connector into the fuel pump harness and go get a soda while it pumped the fuel out.