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people with hemmoriods /are who've had them?

I have hemmoriods for about a year now recently they have been so painfull.I went to the doctor on the 21st of may and am almost out of suupositories she said it would shrink them , i feel some reliefibut i can still feel them there and sometimes after a bowel movemment i'll have some slight painwil they ever go away ??? what have you guys done to make em go away??? and im wokring ont he high fiber diet .


Yes, that would work fineIf you aren't talking homemade pizza (which would be soft crust), you can probably just slide it right onto the oven rack without anything under itThis works well for frozen pizzasCrust will be crisper.
If you lay it flat on ANYTHING, it will be soggy on the bottomIt's best on a baking rack on a cookie sheet (or aluminum foil); or right on the rack - or buy a pizza heating pan, that has air holes in it so the air can circulate around the bottom
It will be soggy Take a fork and pok some holes on the foil before putting it in oven Place pizza on middle shelfMake sure there are enough holes on the bottom so the dough becomes crispy I do it some time when i need to bake two pizzas.
I cook pizza all the time without anything underneathJust put it right on the middle rack Sometimes you have to cook it for a minute or two less to get the crust really softYou could use aluminum foil, I've done that too and it works fineIf your pizza isn't frozen then you will have to use something underneath so it doesn't crumble apart putting it in and taking it out.
And you are working on a high fiber diet !! It does not take a year to get on a high fiber dietStart with a high fiber cereal for Breakfast, such as 100% Bran , for lunch and dinner include vegetables and fruits as well as proteinAny snacks should be either more cereal or fruitIf you do that tomorrow, you are on it and if you continue with it, you should be on your way to healthOnly whole grain Bread .Include Yogurt, there is a large selection in your Super markets Diary caseAvoid white flour and sugarYou will be feling better if you stay on it

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