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Reasons TO motivate you into planting a garden?

I have taken three phrases from the article, “Why Bother?” and have asked people why this would motivate them into planting a garden. Planting the garden would help with the climate change and in other words going green.Your input would be greatly appreciated“…A great many things happen when you plant a vegetable garden, some of them directly related to climate change, others indirect but related nevertheless.”“…planting a garden sounds pretty benign, I know, but in fact it’s one of the most powerful things an individual can do- - to reduce your carbon footprint…”“Well, you will probably notice that you’re getting a pretty good workout there in your garden, burning calories without having to get into the care to drive to the gym.”All quotes from quot;Why Botherquot; by Michael Pollan


The most important and logical reason to grow a home garden is it is 100% toxic chemical free, unless you apply them yourself. The second reason is the food has a much better flavor and texture when allowed to vine ripen instead of being subjected to gases to make them ripen. Third is for your health. Home grown veggies reduce cancer and central nervous system damage and other illnesses associated with the chemicals used in the production, storage and preparation of commercial foods. Trying to stop global warming would be the worst reason for trying to grow a garden. It is a misconception that plants will stop green house warming. During the day, plants absorb carbon dioxide, and give off oxygen, at night they reverse the process and take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. Simple plants like algae are the exception, giving off more oxygen during the day than carbon dioxide at night. Actually, according to my college classes in chemistry that pertain to the environment, Plants encourage global warming by giving off fluorocarbons through their leaves, a major green house gas. The forest and plant life of the planet are the second greatest contributor to green house gases. Global warming and the wet rainy climate associated with it is good for plants, so by nature, plants try to create an environment best for them. During planetary warming cycles, thousands of new plant species evolve and then die out when the next ice age occurs. Someone must have read only what they wanted from the scientific research on this subject, not the whole study.

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