When our Federal government quot;(6) establishing a national traceability system for food.quot;How will this affect your home garden or your pantry management (soon to be called quot;hoardingquot;)?http://www track.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-875tab=summaryH.R. 875:Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009111th Congress2009-2010
i read both of your links and it looks like they could come check your personal garden. as in the filburn case grow your own removes demand from the market so it effects interstate commrece. scary stuff. under the filburn statuate if you used a tree that was blown over by a storm on your property for firewood to heat the house you could be acussed of manipulating both intrstate lumber and heating fuel markets.
You should read the whole text not just what you want to acknowledge. This so like a preacher who wants to take from context a content, which is not what the article stated. You really are not the the brightest crayon in the box now are you. Interstate Commerce deals with Interstates sales. If you are marketing your home grown products, then anti up, if you give them away without any compensation, go about your business.
Yes, because we all know the government steps in and investigates anything determined to be possibly harmful. Expect a government handler at your next marathon, one for each runner, to make sure they don't do anything dangerous. And how do you like the government agent riding in the car with you to make sure you don't do anything dangerous while driving? Then there's the one who comes over to your house whenever you plan to light up the barbee to make sure you don't set the lawn on fire. I mean, we have plenty of evidence showing that the government inspects and controls everything we do, don't we?
What your major detractor on the left failed to point out in their rant of an answer, is that any law on the books has what we call hidden clause. These are just little well placed punctuations. and sometimes a little buzz word, that triggers the use of this law for an entirely different purpose. I see this used in Criminal Investigations every day. If I can't use A. I will change a word and Use it as B. end result the same. Beware Citizens. The asshole sitting in DC is very smart. He knows to what brink and edge he can push the envelope. And will. As we have witnessed and seen him do. L.T.M. should get best here, His colorful descriptive narrative is a winner.
Show me the warrant. Goon squads enter at their own risk. (the dog can't read) Food-borne illness surveillance? What a joke. Yet the border is wide open and the surveillance for on the hoof diseases is non existant. Culminating in a resurgence of HIV, STD's, tuberculosis, meningitis, hepatitis, emphysema, malaria, and even small pox polio. Golf clap for the useless heroes who close the window, but leave the door open the roof off. Mandating you to be helpless dependent, for the greater good? For greater control, and that's good for them, not you. They've become a distant obscure them, because they're out of touch with us. Help me out here, what other places have Wardens? That's right ... Prisons. Vote them out.