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Do I have asbestos insulation?

i live in a condo complex that was built in 1974 in california. there is sheet insulation in the walls. what are the chances this is asbestos versus fiberglass. the clean air act of 1970 addresses the issue, however, the EPA as i understand it never stated it was a hazardous product.?????


Asbestos was still being used quite a bit in the 70s for a variety of building materials (many of which you'd never guess). Typically though, the insulation that contains asbestos was called vermiculite and was sold under the brand name Zonolite. It looks like somewhat fluffy grey chunks. If you have sheet insulation it is likely not asbestos containing. If you're concerned about it, you can get a local industrial hygiene company to come and test the material. You should be able to find something in the yellow pages under Asbestos Abatement or Asbestos Testing (if you live in a good sized town). Typically asbestos isn't a danger as long as it isn't in a dust/airborne form. Most old buildings have asbestos in the drywall mud, window glazing, vinyl floor tile, etc. As long as they stay intact and don't become airborne particles there isn't much danger. Good Luck
If you have insulation in sheeting, it is not asbestos. You will find asbestos in older, plaster and lathe board houses :)
No, but some tire makers have a warranty. The manufacturer warranty is only on things that they make (ie the car). It's still worth a shot to call your dealer and take a quick look at you paperwork and find out.
no not at all my mothers car is a 2004 explorer with 64000 miles on it and she just got new tires 2 weeks ago so they last pretty long.im pretty sure the manufacturer would put the best tires possible on your car since they made it they should know what tires would work best on your car
It was just a poor tire and don't be surprise if another one pops on you. Manufactures install name brand tires. Driving on the highway is generally good for your vehicle but that is where the most heat builds on your tires. You might want to purchase a new set of tires that are better made for the highway.

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