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How should the water pump be installed?

I live on the 8 floor. Often there is no water. Life is very inconvenient. What kind of pump do I have to install? What should I pay attention to when I buy it? What's the pump for that brand? Should it be installed in that position?


Installation method of hydraulic pump(1) according to the technological requirements and the cavitation conditions of the pump, the installation height check and the civil engineering of the foundation are carried out.(2) prepare a series of flat washers and wedge gaskets of different thickness before installation.(3) according to the characteristics of the pump conveying medium, determine the material of the gasket at the connection and process the gasket.
(4) before installation, make sure all pipes connected with the pump should be clean, and no solid foreign bodies which may cause damage to the pump shall be allowed.(5) apply the blind flange or other things to the suction, exhaust or open pump to ensure that no sundries enter the pump cavity during the installation.(6) check whether the pump random data is complete and complete; whether the pump surface has obvious damage. Only with complete data, no obvious damage to the pump, you can continue to install.(7) the installation of centrifugal pump with the coupling of the hand when turning slowly rotating coupling or pulley, observe the pump rotation are stable, flexible and adjustable, the rotor parts have no jamming, the pump has no debris crash, bearing the operation is normal, with elastic suitability.
(8) check the suitability of the foundation and whether the size of the foundation corresponds to the size of the pump.(9) find the position of positive pump and motor, pump set and anchor bolt and the inlet and outlet flanges, to ensure that the flange torque of the pump conforms to the standard. Check the inlet and outlet piping before alignment. Make sure the weight of the inlet and outlet pipe does not exert force or torque on the pump. When looking for, should also pay attention to eliminate the pump rotor movement, so as to avoid the end gap error. If checked after the pump is working, it should be carried out under cold condition. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the pump set of the complete set of factory is only rough looking (checked with a ruler) when it is shipped. It may cause displacement when it is transported.

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