Btunnel isnt working on the school computers. I dont know why, but I would appreciate another poxy, ive been looking but 95% of the sites i have tried are blocked, or don't work right.
Worthless as a stud dog unless it is AKC registered, a conformation champion or other competitive dog sport champion and has passed all of its genetic testing.
what experienced breeders do is usually a fee and or pick of litter but that depends do have papers on the dog are they good pappers are there champions in bloodline ? i really dont think you should be breeding just to breed because you have knowledge of what to do you think u can just put to dogs together and they will breed you are really wrong things can go wrong they could fight one of them good be seriously hurt they both healthy are their genes any good ?do you know the parents of both dog? another thing is are you ready to have marking of a strong urine all over the house? by breeding him or keeping him unfixed be prepared to possibly most likley have him peeing all over the house non stop its different kind of pee that never runs out no matter how much water he drinks this is asking for trouble our family has show and bred akc show dobermans for years and in no way you even seem close you wud be known as a back yard breeder and will probaly throw off bad quality pups. please dont breed your dog go get him fixed
if it's a kind of small fire, than just unplug it and pour some water over the flames. if it's a big fire though, use the fire blanket. (he will be even more pissed if you burn down the house!)
My son would probably say yes. He has Asperger's (high functioning autism) which makes him incredibly sensitive to sound and stuff. I personally feel like my brain is melting when one goes off. If there was a real fire, I would probably just get my boy and run, because I jsut can't seem to think when those things are blaring in my ears!
It really depends, if he is a champ show dog, with all the health testing done and up to date, with great conformation, champion bloodlines, and you have been showing him for a few years, and you have a reputable breeder asking for siring, you could ask quite a bit. If he has none of these and you just want to stud him out to someone who just wants their b*tch to have puppies, because YOU think hes a great dog, nothing. Dobermans have plenty of inheirited health issues, some of which result in a much shortened life span, and years of medical bills, do you think you could live with producing puppies that may end up costing their owners thousands of dollars and causing heart ache further down the road. I know i couldnt, thats why i didnt breed my b*tch, even though i think she would produce beautiful puppies, and now i know better than to just produce puppies for selfish reasons. Sorry, i feel really strongly about this. My doberman is one of those that has cost $$$$$ fixing health problems, and will probably only live a short life. When i was thinking of breeding her, these health problems hadnt cropped up yet, so im very glad i didnt, or a whole new batch of owners could have been going through right now what i went through a few years ago. And its a terrible thought that my ignorance could have been the cause of it, just like my dogs breeders are the cause of my dogs problems, simply because they wanted the money that puppies could bring. Dont get me wrong, i love my dog, and i wouldnt swap her for the world, but she should have never been born, simple fact. Think very carefully before doing this, you may have a huge impact on other peoples lives, and it may not be for the better.