if u can give me a full paper it would help greatly i jus need it because i dont think i can write three pages over night
1. Flat head Screwdriver 2. Staple Gun 3. 3/8' and 1/2 staples for that gun 4. small pliers (needle nose or regular ones) 5. Enough fabric to cover the chairs plus at least 3 for under the seat to attach it(You will cut off any excessyes waste, but if you do it too shortthe first timeyou waste time, and more fabric correcting the mistake 6. quilt batting (this will go over the existing cushion and the decorator or outer fabric will hold to it and this provides more cushion and bulk and prevents slipping of the Top fabric, also helps to cover the hard corners to prevent holes in the outer fabric. (Has many uses) The outer fabric will hide this as you cut this just big enough to cover the top, sides and maybe 1 1/2 for underneath the cushion. I have recovered my chairs with only a flat head screwdriver (to pull off or loosen the staples holding the present fabric) Needle nose pliers to pull out the staples. A good staple gun (not a NAIL gun) staples about 3/8' to 1/2 and this depends on the type of chair. I would get both to save a trip to the Hardware store later.And the other things I mentioned aboveI hope I didn't leave anything outI dont think so(2 weekends ago I completely re-did 2 patio chairs seat and the back with new wood, Foam, Fabric, and covered them in clear Vinyl.They look great Good Luckit isn't hard..just take your time and measure 2-3 times writing down the measurements, and don't forget to add the underneath amount.
I think it means the wet blanket is a depressing or whiny person to be around.