Home > categories > Security & Protection > Fire Alarm > I plan to make a presentation called "Elements of a safety culture". Any suggestions what material to include?

I plan to make a presentation called "Elements of a safety culture". Any suggestions what material to include?

I plan to make a presentation called "Elements of a safety culture". Any suggestions what material to include?


I have never seen a push button fire alarm, all I have ever seen were pull stations. But that really means nothing. The fire code will dictate the type of alarm device and where they are located. The security cameras seems like a good idea to me, but expense is ALWAYS an issue. Using a push station for a fire drill is a good way to test the system, specially if a different station is pushed for each drill. I had to regularly do a pull station test in our central offices and did a different station each month.
You betcha! The mere mention of the name gets libs to the flash point in 2 seconds flat. Like the troll 'fred m' round here, he's so threatened by Palin he can't stand it.

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