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I saw my ex in my dream so I am wondering if it means anything?

So there's this guy I still care about a lot and haven't seen him for quite long.In the dream we were hiding somewhere and he was naked, then somebody came in and ran after usWe ran away and took the elevator but it still felt like we were being chased.And then me, him holding me -dressed this time, of course- and some of my good friends were walking up a steep slopeMy mother was there tooThere was an abandoned house on the other sideShe took a piece of wood, lit it and threw itAnd then the left side of the house went up in flames.Could that mean anything?


if your break-up is pretty recent , and you aren't dating anyone then this dream most likely isnt significant or really mean much But you guys walking up the steep , could represent the relationship had it's uphill battles and your mom burning that house is representing letting go of that past relationship (but not forgetting the good, learning and growing from it, since only 1 side of the house burned)
If it is synthetic yarn, a hair straightener will definitely burn it and likely ruin the hair straightener, tooEww, ick! Don't do that Keep brushing! Brush it and then comb it out, tooIt may never lay totally straight if this yarn isn't meant to do thatIt will get fluffier, however, and lose some of the crimped lookIf the yarn is washable (strong chance it is) use water on the brushThat may help even more.

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