Home > categories > Security & Protection > Lightning Rod > I think in the installation of lightning grounding grid, how to install, grounding angle to much; a total of how long, how much the root.

I think in the installation of lightning grounding grid, how to install, grounding angle to much; a total of how long, how much the root.

I think in the installation of lightning grounding grid, how to install, grounding angle to much; a total of how long, how much the root.


The protective zone of lightning rod is 45~60 degrees umbrella area below lightning rod. The higher the lightning rod installation, the greater the scope of the protection zone. Installation of lightning rod must pay attention to it and the protected object distance should be greater than 5m, because lightning rod and lower lead by lightning induction, can break through the air of 2~3m.
A lightning rod with a metal rod as a support rod can use the metal support rod to guide the lightning current without the need to set a ground lead. The point of the lightning rod is welded together with the metal pole. Buried ground can be made of steel pipe, angle steel, steel needle and so on. The length should be 1 ~ 2m. Buried in pits of not less than 2m depth, and may be sprinkled with salt in the pit.When selecting the installation position of the lightning rod, the road and the entrance and exit shall be removed as far as possible to prevent the step voltage generated near the lightning rod from damaging the human body during the lightning strike.Lightning rod manufacture and installationAll metal parts must be galvanized, and protect the galvanized layer when operating.Galvanized steel pipe is used to make the needle tip, the thickness of the pipe wall shall not be less than 3mm, and the length of the brush tip shall not be less than 70mmThe lightning rod shall be firmly installed vertically. The allowable deviation of perpendicularity is 3/1000.
The lightning rod is composed of four parts, namely, the lightning receiving device (the needle point of the lightning rod), the supporting rod, the grounding lead and the grounding body. The needle with a thicker wire, wire, with a thick iron rod can be better; wood, and metal rods; grounding wire can be a little rough wire or other metal strip, and the upper end and the lower end of the needle is buried underground grounding body connected by welding connection must be. The ground lead must be connected with the whole wire and choose the shortest distance from the ground body, so as not to bend. Grounding is a metal object buried in the ground. It is usually made of steel pipe, angle iron, steel needle and so on. The length should be 1 ~ 2m. Buried depth is not less than 2m. The earthing of lightning rod can not be mixed with other earthing parts, so it must be grounded independently.

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