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I want to run in the spring.?

I'm a fairly heavy-set guyI'm 25.5'10''.about 220.Most of my fat is on my lower torso.My leg muscles are fairly strong but I tried running last spring and my knees were killing me for the two days following itAt that time I would run 1 mile alternating between running and walking every block.What could I do to prepare to run this spring?


start eating healthier, walk more around your house and while your outtry simple things like parking a few blocks away from work so that you have to walk and try taking the stairs instead of elevators or escalatorsyou'd be surprised at how these simple routines can help you in the long run and strengthen your knees D
Roller Coaster one was MY FAVORITE, especially b/c that's how I want to die.doing something I love :D!

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