Home > categories > Packaging & Printing > Pallets > I was driving a fork truck today, I picked up a load that was bolted to the pallet, it was tall and weighed?

I was driving a fork truck today, I picked up a load that was bolted to the pallet, it was tall and weighed?

about 1400 pounds. I picked it up and started going backwards since I couldn't see going forwards. When I turned I heard this terrible ripping noise and the load tipped over and damaged what I was carring badly. It shook me up because what I was carrying cost over $200,000. But it shook me up more because if anyone had been standing beside me they would have been crushed. What did I do wrong and how could I prevent this from happening again?


== descent descent wood pallets are rare and you need to drive behind the grocery stores and K-mart and Walmart stores === if you see what you like then you are obligated and legally required to go into the store and find the store manager and explain why

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