I was talking to a girl and we thought it might be fun to dump a whole bunch of lube in a bath and have some fun, I was thinking atleast 6 of lube in the bottom of the bath. Get in, get covered, get naughtyMaybe cover the bed in the adjoining room in a rubber sheet and take the party there afterCouple of logistical points I need help with:Where the hell can you buy that much lube without it costing an absolute fortune?Any ideas / advice spring to mind?Would it be more fun if we both wore rubber gloves and gas masks?More ideas in that vein eagerly wanted
This site offers one city specific discount per day. Fun way to try something new :)
Usually cages are made on the same fit for a company, so yes it should be fine. You can still call a sports store or go there with your cage, ask and even try it.