I do not want computer monitors and LCD TVs together to display computer information .. how to connect LCD TV only with HDM performance smooth porridge ugly lack of Korean painting I interface computer monitor without HDMI interface, with DVI interface graphics DVIHDMI interface has me How can the connection be able to show more at the same time
According to the requirements of the mechanical strength, the minimum cross-sectional area of the cable core or insulated wire used shall be such that the copper conductor connected to the strong terminal should not be less than 1
5mm The choice of cross section of cable core or insulated wire should also meet the following requirements: current loop Current measurement circuit should ensure that the meter work within the specified accuracy range, the protection circuit should ensure that the current transformer work in the 10% error range, but the cable core section should not be less than 25mm2
Collectively referred to as the cable tie TA inside there will be a wire core, so called iron bar line or iron wire tie belt is also called package wire, magic belt (magic belt), mini belt, gardening line, Iron tie, environmental cable ties, connecting wire, iron cable ties, iron cable ties, PVC tie wire, PVC 扎 wire, PVC cable ties