
Ideas For 80's Style Clothes?

i have a school dance comming up in a few weeks and i want some ideas for 80's style i know it is all big hair but i mean clothes i can handle makeup and hair but i need ideas for clothes its suposed to be simi-formal and 80's style lol so yea i guess i need some ideas on how to mix those two together! HELP! lol


All of the above answerers ideas as well as; Swimming pools and hot tubs need fences and locking covers. Baths should always be supervised Teach children what the different danger symbols on chemicals look like and what they mean Deadbolts on entrances for possible sleepwalkers Locks on bedroom windows Trampolines are a huge source of injuries in children, even with the safety net Prescription and over the counter drugs can look like candy, and some taste like fruit syrup, so must be up high like the alcohol. Electricity rules need to be explained (no forks in the outlets please) not just don't do it, but why it's dangerous. Even small children can picture a bolt of lightning if it's used incorrectly. Many people store bathroom cleaners in the bathroom, all cleaners should be stored in one place up high. Rules about household pets need to be established to avoid danger to the animal and child. Rules about leaving the house only with an adult, or asking permission from an adult are very important as well. Cabinets, bookcases, and entertainment units look like ladders when you are 5 and want the video or book on the top shelf. Children are injured or killed when one tips over onto them as they climb. They should be bolted to the wall. Electrical cords should be wrapped up into a cord turtle (a rubber casing that slides over a coiled cord) or twisted up and elastic banded behind furniture. Okay, I'm sure there's more, but I need to go do that really important safeguard thing now; supervise!
You work in an at will state, and that means that they can fire you at any time and for any reason.
since the heat in the hoses is always going to be there, you just might try looking for the kids that are installed into a heater hose for the reverse flow flush. brass fittings have barbed ends that retain the hoses very well and that is not avoidable.

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