
humidity in spacecraft?

If humidity of a spacecraft is too high, how can it affect a crew and its equipment? what if it was too low?my sister did not get to go on her field trip but they gave her the worksheet this is the only question she cant answer please help!


mold can make people very sick or die. also moisture could iodize electrical equipment.
It would be very difficult for it to be too low which would have to happen by some defect in the moisture extraction system. If it did, people would have skin cracking problems and dry mouth like we do on earth in winter in heated spaces, but equipment would be fine. Since the atmosphere is constantly recirculated with oxygen added and CO2 removed, the moisture from sweat and breathing would build up like it does in a car when people are necking inside - most noticeable in winter. So there are dehydration devices to keep it down. If it were allowed to build up, it would condense on the cold surfaces of the craft and could drip into electronics and corrode or short circuit them (not iodize them)
Humidity must be controlled on spacecraft. If the humidity is too high, then cold parts of the ship will experience condensation. If the condensation occurs on electrical equipment, there could be a short circuit. If the humidity is too low, then the astronauts will get dry skin and be uncomfortable. But it is probably better to err on the low side.

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