If McCain hasn't held pro choice position, then why did some conservative radio hoist dislike him?
The pro choice stuff is mostly the religious right, which is a loud minority in the Republican party. Conservative radio hosts dislike him because he has many liberal views. They think he is more like a democrat than a Republican.
During McCain's 25-year career in Congress he has earned an average 82% score from the American Conservative Union and he is a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership group, which is made up mostly of moderate Republicans and some liberal ones, so those two factors combined means that somehow McCain isn't quite conservative enough. In the minds of some conservatives unless you are conservative 90% of the time or more, then you aren't sufficiently conservative.
I don't understand what you're trying to say exactly. But at the same time, just because someone is pro-life doesn't mean every conservative is going to like him.
Abortion is not a major issue for most conservatives, mostly the religious ones. They dislike him because he is a democrat in a Republican suit.
McCain used to be a maverick until he realized he had a shot at the 2008 election. Then, after hating Bush's guts, he literally hugged him in public and has flip-flopped on Bush's tax cuts for the rich and offshore drilling. McCain has sold his soul to be President before he dies, and that means shifting to the far Right.