Situation: Building in path ofTornado/Hurricane. Building designed and built: Walls and roof that are blow-out proof.Does that change the dynamics of the doors and windows from blowing in to blowing out?
Tornados often cause doors and windows to blow outward because the tornado creates a very low barometric pressure. The air inside the building pushes the windows and doors outward because the normal atmospheric pressure is no longer balancing the air pressure inside the building. If the doors and windows are strong, the pressure difference will find the path of least resistance (until some heavy object, like a car or a tree, is thrown thru the wall or roof or windows by the tornado.
That depends on the pressures applied. Seems to me that in the center of either storm type atmospheric pressure is lower. If the roof is pulled upward and the walls hold, that should suck the doors inward no matter what. Only if pressure is applied to the top of your sturdy house, should the doors and windows blow out. The truth is likely that pressure gradients are all over the place, especially in the tornado and you'd get some of both effects in an unpredictable way. You'd have to ensure against both directions of blow-out in your design.