I see people on here ranting about big government on the basis that the government doesn't look out for our interests.These same people have no problem with large banks becoming even more rich and powerful along with those who own the banks, when these wealthy few have proven time and time again they don't care about he public.These wealthy elites (corporate executives) own 99% of the wealth in this country. Why do you believe they are trustworthy and why should they own it all?Isn't that bad for small businesses that support local economies?read before answering
I agree. As a small government fiscal conservative I resent the deregulations that happened in 2000. As it was wrapping up in 2000, the Clinton administration gave us the Futures Commodities Modernization Act of 2000, which repealed the Commodities Exchange Act from 1936 and the Glass Steagall Act of 1933, and in essence removed all barrier for a Wall Street gang banging of the American tax payer. The bush administration continued with the same Fed chairman (Greenspan) and the same experts lulling our concerns with lies, and the current administration continues with Benanke and many of the same Clinton culrpits that got us into the same mess (Summers, Parkinson etc). So I guess the republican administrations and the democratic administrations are equal opportunity Tax Payer Screwers.
They sometimes don't think deep and far enough. They just want to bash the government because they see the injustices the government has caused. Although they see the injustices the big banks have caused, they feel that since they are not with that bank it does not affect them directly but the government does. Besides, people have the misguided notion that because the banks are more efficient, they will somehow benefit and since the government is inefficient, they will suffer. The second part is probably true but how is the first part true. As efficient as a bank is, the efficient part is not making any person not affiliated with the bank money, but rather with making the CEO or president of the bank money. People, tend to focus on issues narrowly and because of that, they will miss many important facts. This is exactly what the big banks want and that is exactly what people have done. In my opinion, the big banks should not be nearly as big as they are. They should be broken up into smaller banks and divide the wealth. In a capitalistic society, competition only benefits us. This could cause the banks to have to lower interest rates to attract new customers and cause the wealth to be spread. If you agree with this ask yourself who is the only entity that can actually break up the banks? The government.
I don't trust either. But I trust the government less than I trust a bank. At least I can refuse to deal with a bank where the government has guns and prisons they can inflict on me. Only a complete idiot would trust our government with their record of screwing the people. My bank is small, one branch. It does a fine job of supporting my small business needs. The government regularly makes it harder to be in business.
because the Conservatives just buy ideology, they don't take the time to think that private corporations can in many ways, behave in MUCH WORSE ways than government could. Afterallwhat's preventing a corporation from assuming the powers of the state, should they grow unprecedentedly and without regulation? answer? nothing.